Business Plan using Blockchain Technology

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Business Plan using Blockchain Technology

Write a business plan for a new company/business that uses “Blockchain Technology” to somehow disrupt or improve the Asset Management Industry (i.e. Trade Processing and Settlement, etc.) For example: Traditional trade processes within asset management (where parties trade and manage assets) can be expensive and risky, particularly when it comes to cross-border transactions. Each party in the process, such as broker, custodian, or the settlement manager, keeps their own records which create significant inefficiencies and room for error. The blockchain ledger reduces error by encrypting the records. At the same time, the ledger simplifies the process, while canceling the need for intermediaries. Use the format below to structure your business plan. 1. Executive Summary (±2 pages) Mission: Short paragraph explaining the mission of the company/organization. How it works: Structure: Market: Management team: Competitors: Pricing strategy: Financial status: Describe how the company of this project will be funded. The future: 2. Business Description Industry background: Market growth: Industry landscape: Emerging trends: Unique selling points: Barriers to entry: 3. Competitive Analysis (±1 pages) 4. Market Analysis (±1 pages)

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