Can you decipher the location codes in the Structural Summary? – Essaylink

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Access this website for the publisher PAR (formerly Psychological Assessment

Resources): www.par Here you will find a series of reports for the

Rorschach protocol, including a Sequence of Scores, a StructuralSummar y, and

computer-generated inter pretivereports. The site is updated frequently, so you

may have to do a little searching to find the reports. At present, these are exact

URLs, but be alert for updates:

_ http://www4.par pts/RIAP5SS.pdf

_ http://www4.par pts/RIAP5Str ucSum.pdf

_ http://www4.par pts/RIAP5IR.pdf

_ http://www4.par pts/RIAP5FE.pdf

Can you decipher the location codes in the Structural Summary? Most of the

codes will not be understandable to the novice. However, the interpretive

reports should be understandable. Can you spot the norm-referenced statements

built into the reports?

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