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I need help with a Social Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

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I have decided to discuss ADHD. I have personal experience with ADHD as my daughter was diagnosed with ADHD in3rd grade. I was very apprehensive when her teacher told me that she thought my daughter had ADHD. I was concerned as so many children who do not fit into a specific box for many educators are labeled with ADHD/ADD. The teacher, however, knows my daughter well as she was also her 1st-grade teacher and she has ADHD herself. I did a TON of research as the medications for the treatment of ADHD have SO many horrible side effects and found that we can manage her symptoms through a clean diet and environment. What this means is the food in our house has no artificial colors or flavors (for the most part, there are a few and these are consumed/used often) and we do not use anything with artificial scents. This means if shampoo/ conditioner says “fragrance” it is donated to a local women’s shelter. It was a HUGE change in our home, but my daughter is much happier and she has had no more negative reports at school and is excelling again (her state scores are well above the state and school average.)


I would have to say that I was surprised that it was not mentioned that one of the contributing factors to ADHD is paternal alcohol consumption. Recent research has shown that paternal alcohol abuse has severe effects on sperm and can contribute to developmental delays, ADHD, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

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