Compare and contrast new social media marketing trends with more traditional forms of advertising.

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We have been looking at successful ad campaigns using social media. Let’s apply this directly and see how this compares with older methods of advertising.

Choose a recent social media campaign, possibly one you interacted with. Below are some possible examples:

  • ALS #IceBucketChallenge
  • Always #LikeAGirl
  • Coca-Cola #ShareaCoke
  • IKEA bookbook video
  • McDonald’s Super Bowl 2015
  • Taco Bell #OnlyInTheApp
  • Virgin America Boo videos

Then consider an older commercial, before social media was (as big) an influence. You can look at famous ads on Youtube.

In a minimum of 3 pages, please do the following:

  • Provide an introduction with a summary of the ads you have chosen, and an explanation of what the stated intent behind the ad is.
  • From there, look at what the ad actually says (like a beer ad might actually be demonstrating that women are sex objects).
  • Describe how social media plays into the intent and the actual message. What’s different between the two you chose?
  • What made the ads successful (or not successful)?
  • What ideas and opinions do you have about the product or brand after reviewing the ads?
  • What can we learn about how businesses use Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, etc. to communicate, network, broaden their customer base, and promote their products/services?
  • Summarize your analysis.

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