competitive advantage

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  1. We have said that competition forces society to be better by providing superior value. Identify and discuss your team company’s competitive advantage and core competency – in essence, the magic sauce that makes the company stay in the game.

  2. Provide a descriptive discussion of the Porter’s Five Forces Model of your team’s company and include what Wheelen and Hunger call the sixth force in your analysis.

  3. Kim and Mauborgne argue that sustaining a “competitive advantage” is to make the competition irrelevant – hence, the blue ocean metaphor. Identify and discuss what must be done to achieve or sustain your team company’s position in a ‘blue ocean’. Pull from the readings to support your response while including a ‘four actions framework’ model. EFFICIENTLY ORDER A 5 STAR COLLEGE TERM PAPER NOW GET YOUR QUALITY 100% CUSTOM RESEARCH PAPER TODAY

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