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Management Information Systems – Week 8 Assignment

Information Systems

Write a one page paper describing your thoughts about information systems after taking this course.

Describe at least 5 things that you have learned during this course, explain what you can do with this newly acquired knowledge.

At the conclusion of the paper make one goal for yourself. Something that you will do with this new ‘information’.

Microeconomics – Week #8 Assignment

Trade Restrictions – Tariffs

Directions: Answer the questions below based on the graph.

1.How many units will the domestic firms produce without trade?

2.How many units will the domestic firms produce without a tariff if the foreign producer can sell the product at a $4 price?

3.How many units will the foreign firms produce / sell if a government tariff of $2.00 is imposed on foreign goods?

4.What will be the total government revenues if a tariff of $2.00 is imposed on foreign goods?

5.What will be the total deadweight losses if a tariff of $2.00 is imposed on foreign goods?

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