Describe a critical leadership issue:Explain why this issue is important, and make a recommendation for addressing the issue. – Essaylink

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Describe a critical leadership issue

Explain why this issue is important, and make a recommendation for addressing the issue.

The recommendation may include the following elements:

1. Why it is important

2. How your recommendation will address the problem

3. Budget impact

4. Labor impact

5. Community messaging

6. Possible pitfalls that will negatively impact the implementation of your recommendation

A well written paper will utilize the following format:

1. Introduction paragraph

2. Background and significance

3. Thesis statement

4. Body paragraphs supporting the thesis statement

5. Conclusion paragraph summarizing the supporting statements and restating the thesis


1. Cover page

2. 3-5 pages of content, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font

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