Describe a well-designed classroom computer center – Essaylink

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Is it possible that a 4-year-old could develop addictive behavior?

1. Emma’s parents sought professional advice but wanted Emma to continue developing computer skills. What plan of action do you think might have been recommended to the parents?

2. What teacher plan of action would you suggest?

A. List the advantages of an early childhood language arts center. What are the disadvantages?

B. List the teacher’s duties in a well-functioning classroom language arts center (for example, supervision).

C. Describe or draw a picture of an imaginary language arts center that has a crawl-into bunk or loft area. It should be a place where a child could be alone to enjoy a book.

D. List seven useful items mentioned in this chapter for classroom language arts centers.

E. Describe a well-designed classroom computer center.

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