Discuss a specific research study involving animals that had ethical issues. – Essaylink

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First discussion
or products make their way to actual patients. However, this does not mean that we should deny that there are serious ethical issues involved.
Animal testing is not a pretty or pleasant process. It causes pain and suffering to animal subjects, and legitimate cases of abuse have been uncovered by animal rights groups. Consequently, the practice should be tightly regulated, and alternative methods should be employed whenever possible.
Discuss a specific research study involving animals that had ethical issues.
What were the ethical issues involved?
What could have been done to conduct the research study differently to avoid these ethical issues?
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
Second discussion
Discuss how your time management skills have and will be applied to your SmartPrep modules.
Why is time management necessary for your academic success? Provide an example.
four responses on below 
* BOTH work NEED plag report!

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