discussion on Research Paradigms for Research Design & Interpretation class

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Please Understand that if you take this assignment, you will need to take another that I post on Friday about the same papers … that other assignment you will get paid separately and the same as this and will only be about 4 paragraphs. It just makes it easier and sound the same to the professor if just one person writes it. I cant see the assignment until Friday but I know it is about this. only use the resources provided. this is for a foreign student, so the english can be very bad. do not use huge words!!! also 3 to 4 sentences per question will work.

Read chapter 4 in the textbook and the article. This week, Assalahi and Creswell introduced us to some of the philosophical assumptions that underlie the research designs we’ll be examining in more detail over the next several weeks. One of these – the positivist paradigm – has, arguably, become the “dominant” paradigm in education (and in many other fields). Practitioners and policy-makers tend to view positivistic research as being inherently more “useful” or “trustworthy”. Despite this, education remains a fundamentally social enterprise, and the work we do centers as much on social meanings, understandings, and perceptions as it does things we can easily measure.

For this week’s conversation, I’d like you to talk about a few things:

1.) First, based on what you’ve read, what would you say th e key assumptions that underlie the positivist and interpretivist paradigms are?

2.) Second, why do you think people tend to gravitate toward work operating under a positivist paradigm?

3.) Finally, do you agree? Should we encourage and emphasize work from one paradigm, or the other? Or is there room for both?

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