discussion question WRK110-strayer university-The Confidence Advantage & SOC 105-strayer university-society in the media

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Please respond to the following: The discussion questions given please produce 200 words about each numbered question. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other students Kemba Carroll and Natasha ST. Etienne for both responses.

“The Media and Public Trust”

1) What do you consider to be the most trustworthy sources of news, politics, and information? On what do you base your criteria? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)

2) Considering the workplace area you chose in the week 2 discussion, select one growth mindset tool you can apply this week to push yourself outside of your comfort zone (Chapter 5 page 5.6). Describe how using the tool will help to build your confidence in that area.

reference to Week 2 Discussion
Public speaking is a pertinent qualification for every aspiring individual. Learning to express oneself in front of other people helps one share and discover new information. Efficiency in public speaking relies on various factors. I want to share two critical facets of public speaking that I perceive would help you. One of the issues is handling nervousness, which in most cases, impeded effective communication. It is normal to feel nervous, but that should not hinder you from relaying your message (Van Atteveldt & Peng, 1). Practice and preparation would boost your morale and eradicate your anxiety. Another factor to consider is knowing your audience (Luthra & Dahiya, 2). Researching your potential audience would help you select the appropriate words, organization pattern, and presentation approach.


  1. Van Atteveldt, W., & Peng, T. (2018). When Communication Meets Computation: Opportunities, Challenges, and Pitfalls in Computational Communication Science. Communication Methods and Measures, 12(2-3), 81-92. doi:10.1080/19312458.2018.1458084
  2. Luthra, A., & Dahiya, R. (2015). Effective Leadership is all About Communicating Effectively: Connecting Leadership and Communication. IJMBS, 5(3), 43-47.

Kemba Carroll

What do you consider to be the most trustworthy sources of news, politics, and information? On what do you base your criteria? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples.

The most trustworthy source of news, politics, and information would have to be CNN. I watch CNN all day. The reason I believe it is trustworthy is because according to Business Insider I base my review from sources that have done research on all of the major news sources. “Democrats and the individuals who lean Democratic gave CNN a +29” in the inclination rating. Despite the fact that among Republicans and the individuals who lean Republican, CNN was viewed as the most one-sided news association, with a – 87 predisposition rating. Media Bias Fact Check appraised “CNN left one-sided dependent on publication places that reliably supports the left, while straight news revealing falls left-focus through inclination by exclusion. We likewise rate them Mostly Factual in detailing, as opposed to High because of deceiving data introduced by visitors just as a couple bombed truth checks by TV has. Be that as it may, news covering the site will in general be appropriately sourced with minimal failed fact checks.



Natasha ST. Etienne

Considering the workplace area you chose in the week 2 discussion, select one growth mindset tool you can apply this week to push yourself outside of your comfort zone (Chapter 5 page 5.6). Describe how using the tool will help to build your confidence in that area.

Good Morning Professor and Classmates,

By now you all know that one of the things that I really struggle with at my job is public speaking. My job requires me to give monthly presentations on a variety of things and I get really shy when I have to speak in front of large and small groups of people. I start to get really nervous, and my palms get sweaty and my face gets really red, so to say that it is embarassing is an understatement.

One growth mindset tool that would really benefit me would be to learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. By facing my fear of speaking in front of people, I know that I will get more and more comfortable with doing just that as time goes on. I figured out that the more I do something, the more confident I get. I may fail at times by not giving the best presentation or by rushing through my presentation, but I know that those failures will help me to recognize what I need to work on so that I give a better presentation next time.

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