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I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance.


1. After viewing the video (Chapter 7 video link “Merchants of Cool” https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/coo…) write one to two pages explaining/discussing all of the following topics:

  • Apply the symbolic interaction theoretical perspective to the material contained in the video.
  • What is the sociological definition of culture? In two or three paragraphs explain how media can influence culture. You can use examples from your life or instances where others you know were influenced by the type of actions depicted in the video. Areas you should address include the way you or others speak, dress, behave, and feel (beliefs) about sexuality. Basically you will discussing culture using the sociological definition of culture concerning sexuality using the symbolic interaction perspective.
  • As social scientists develop a body of knowledge about culture, some strong factual information is developed about certain demographics. The media can use this information to market products to specific groups; 12 to 14 year olds, 14 to 16 year olds, etc. Give an example of situation where you or someone you know were influenced by this type of marketing.
  • In your opinion was this marketing at odds with the best interests of the young consumers, as well as with what their parent/s might think is best for them.

2. Discussion Question


As you have noticed most social problems are related. That stated, please discuss in detail the various relationships that you might have noticed concerning alcohol and other drugs as they pertain to family life, criminal justice, and society as a whole.

The documentary helped illustrate some of these complex issues; for example the relationship between mental illness and drug and alcohol use in young people (this also holds true for adults), involvement with the criminal justice system, the negative impact on family relationships, the high cost of drug and alcohol related injuries and illness, problems getting and paying for treatment, stigma attached to use and obtaining treatment, and defining addiction as a disease not a choice. The text points out that many people are in prison for the possession and sale of drugs, in addition to being under the influence when they committed their offense. There are significant costs involved in incarceration ($25,000.00 per year on average) as well as social costs to the inmate and their family.

Using the above information please discuss some different alternatives to our current response to dealing with alcohol and drug issues in our society. Our current response does not seem to be working very efficiently. Please make sure to explain fully what the issues are and why the change is needed, as well as, articulating what you would do differently. I do not want to read about your opinion concerning this issue. In many cases, reliance on opinion rather than empirical evidence is a large part of the problem that society faces when trying to lessen the damaging impact that drug use has on our society. You will need to use the material in the video. The information from the video is presented by experts from various academic disciplines and consequently has science based credibility.

This is a rather complex assignment and will be 2 pages long. It will require study, insight, and analysis of a multifaceted social problem.

If you really want to develop a good basic knowledge of addiction and some of the issues surrounding it you can review web sites in detail.

3. Chapter 6 Discussion Assignment

This assignment will require viewing a scholarly video presentation from the Department of Justice concerning corporate crime and reading a news account concerning the General Motors (GM) ignition switch failure which has resulted in multiple deaths and injuries. By all accounts GM was aware of the defective part for a number of years and failed to take any action.

Please discuss which of the theory(s) of crime presented in the text you believe would be the most appropriate in facilitating an understanding of why this situation occurred and explain why you believe the theory(s) applies to GM’s behavior. What do you think an appropriate sanction should be for GM, and for the actors (employees) who made decisions concerning correcting the defect? Remember that a corporation can be treated as an individual and therefore can be subject to prosecution by the criminal justice system. Please explain, in full, what led you to this position and explain why taking your recommended action would bring justice to the injured and prevent this type of situation from occurring in the future.


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