Effective communication

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Your coffee franchise cleared for business in both countries (Mexico, and China). You now have to develop your global franchise team and start construction of your restaurants. . You invite all of the players to the headquarters in the United States for a big meeting to explain the project and get to know one another since they represent the global division of your company.

You are concerned with the following two issues. Substantively address each in a two-part paper, applying resources to support your reasoning

Part 1: Effective communication with participants

  • What are the implications of the cultural variables for your communication with the team representative from each country in the face to face meeting?

  • Address Hall’s high and low context regarding verbal and non-verbal communication. The United States is a low context culture, while each country is high context.

    • Tip: Write at least one substantive paragraph for each country

Part 2: Effective communication among participants

  • What are examples of barriers and biases in cross-cultural business communications that may impact the effectiveness of communication among the meeting participants and in potential negotiations?

  • What are some of the issues you should be concerned about regarding verbal and nonverbal communication for this group to avoid misinterpretations and barriers to communication?

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