employee relations

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“You work as the human resources manager of employee relations at a construction company. The company has several ongoing construction projects involving the supply and installation of all building materials for new commercial buildings. An employee of the company, a junior project coordinator, has had their first minor safety infraction where they were caught on-site without proper personal protective equipment (PPE). One of your specific duties in your own role as Manager of Employee Relations is to execute the company’s disciplinary process. As per company policy, which follows the Progressive Discipline system, a safety infraction is considered misconduct. You are about to meet with this employee to give them a Verbal warning. ”
For discussion:

-Fill in the verbal warning form with relevance to the employee’s incident.
-Layout the progressive discipline system as though you are explaining it to the employee for the first time.
-Explain what the next steps are after the verbal warning.
-Explain potential consequences if there are subsequent safety infractions.


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