Escape from Bataan

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 Its for class HIUS-222 book review at liberty university Memoir of a U.S. Navy Ensign in the Philippines, October 1941 to May 1942. The editor, David L. Snead, argues that the memoir “provides a very unique look at the experiences of a junior naval officer who survived the harrowing defense of the Philippines.” In the 3-page book review, you must use specific examples from the memoir to evaluate whether you agree with the editor’s thesis or not. Use footnotes when citing your examples. See directions below for footnotes. The review must include an examination of the following topics: Supply Corps training, service in the Philippines before the war, the experience of a naval ensign as American forces retreated and resisted the Japanese, and Hofmann’s escape from the Philippines. The review must be a full 3 pages, be double-spaced, have margins of 1-inch, and include page numbers. Consult and use the course’s “Tips for Reading and Writing in History” on Blackboard before submitting the review. The review must be submitted as a Word document. Directions for footnotes: 1) To insert footnotes in a Word document, go to the top of the document in Word, click on References, and then click on Insert Footnote. Word will number the footnotes for you. 2) The Turabian footnote format for a book is: Ross E. Hofmann, Escape from Bataan: Memoir of a U.S. Navy Ensign in the Philippines, October 1941 to May 1942, eds. David L. Snead and Anne B. Craddock (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016), 9. 3) After you have made the first citation, you should do the following for each additional citation of the same book:

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