ESL 433 HELP BENCHMARK – Using SEI Strategies in a SIOP Lesson Plan

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I don’t understand this Psychology question and need help to study.

Hi I would like to use the first grade and one of the common core standards would be this one “CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events”

Here is also a website that was given to help

For this benchmark, create a SIOP lesson plan that integrates students’ reading levels, cultural background, language objectives, content objectives, and best instructional practices for ELLs, as well as authentic assessment for a grade level and content area of your choice.

Use the SIOP lesson plan template, located on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center, and the “Class Profile” to complete this assignment.

From the “Class Profile,” specify a grade-level of your students. Choose a performance objective from the ELA Common Core State Standards to create the content objective for your lesson.

Select the English language proficiency standards based on the needs of your students. Consider applicable language acquisition stages of development in designing your lesson plan.

Utilize strategies and classroom assessment techniques that are appropriate for all ELLs including ELLs with special needs and gifted ELLs.

Integrate the following:

  1. Lesson Preparation
  2. Building Background
  3. Comprehensible Input
  4. Strategies
  5. Interaction
  6. Practice & Application
  7. Lesson Delivery
  8. Review & Assessment

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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