EWRT 2 research proposal connected to the class theme of “Monsters.”

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The goal of this assignment is to develop your synthesis & analysis skills with a text


A proposal is a way to pitch an idea and state your requirements, so it’s important for academics because they can get their idea clearly stated and be able to get feedback on the topic before they begin the entire research project.

The proposal essay is also a chance for you to make a structured, logical argument and lay down everything in favor of your idea. A well-written proposal shows your instructor you care about the topic, and it’s not just a random whim you attempted to complete an assignment.

Your Task:

For this assignment, you will write a research proposal of at least 500 words on a topic of your choice that is connected to the class theme of “Monsters.”


  • Fictional: Look at a fictional movie, TV episode, music video, or piece of media and do a close analysis of the “monster/villain”
  • Historical: Look at a real-life dictator, serial killer, scientist, social network, etc. and do an analysis of the coverage of the person.
  • Scientific: Look at modern science e.g. cloning, Crispr, genetic modification etc. and decide whether that type of science is creating modern heroes or monsters.
  • Current events: Do a deep dive on a current event like border control, politics, make-up, sports, and analyze whether your topic is helping society or harming it?


  1. Pick an issue related to the broad theme of “monsters” in society that interest you e.g something from the class or Frankenstein’s Cat or a current humanitarian crisis.
  2. Pick your approach: Fictional analysis, current events, historical, or scientific and narrow down to a specific topic.
  3. Pick an audience to focus on
  4. Look into the topic to see what has already been said and how you can add to the conversation e.g. If you were analyzing Thanos in The Avengers, what have people written and what fresh insights can you bring through research.
  5. Come up with a thesis for your proposal e.g.
    • Even though comic book geeks love talking about what will happen after the “snapsure“, this research project will reveal how Thanos is not really a villain rather he is presenting a valid philosophical way to save the environment in the face of overpopulation.
  6. Write a clear, concise proposal for why you want to research this topic and what you hope to add to the conversation on this topic.

Format for Proposal Essays:

  • Introduction: A brief overview of the topic you chose, the audience you want to reach, and any solutions, impacts, and benefits your research could produce.
  • Issue: The main definition of the topic/issue you will research, including subject, purpose, main argument, background information, and importance.
  • What your research paper will add: What are the benefits and prospectives your paper will bring to the topic
  • Types of Research: Overview of the types of research you will conduct and types of sources you will be seeking e.g. movies, articles, ted talks, interviews, etc.
  • Conclusion of the impact your research will have and wrap-up: Balance the sell us on why this research project is needed, reinforce your point one last time.

NOTE: Choose your topic carefully since all the rest of your essays this quarter will be connected to this research proposal.


  • Critical Thinking Challenge Requirements

    PAPER FORMAT: Challenge Requirements:
    Ø 500+ wordsØ Hav: Name, Class, Date, Assignment, and Topic in the upper left-hand corner.Ø A title that is not GENERICØ TypedØ Final turned in to turnitin.comØ A works cited is required for all outside research & SourcesØ Use The Easy Writer to help with citations or OWL Purdue 1. A thesis statement or controlling idea that takes a stand 2. Transitional topic sentences that are clear, provocative, and develop your thesis and provide unity in your essay3. Body paragraphs that address the research questions4. Some analysis of all your project5. Strong sentences that are both grammatically correct and sophisticated6. Use proper MLA formatting, in-text citations, and Works Cited entries. NOT having proper MLA citations will result in a 0/100 on the assignment.7. Write in 3rdperson NOT first person.

MLA Help:

How to Cite from Monsters: A Bedford Spotlight Reader

How to Cite from Monsters: A Bedford Spotlight Reader

A Work in an Anthology, Reference, or Collection

Monsters: A Bedford Spotlight Reader is a specific kind of book known as an anthology. Anthologies are collections of shorter works on a specific topic.

Works may include an essay in an edited collection or anthology or a chapter of a book. Remember in MLA you have to follow the right format for each type of source to avoid plagiarism.

MLA Citation format for Works within an Anthology:

Last name, First name. “Title of Essay.” Title of Collection, edited by Editor’s Name(s), Publisher,

Year, Page range of entry.


Harris, Muriel. “Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers.” A Tutor’s Guide: Helping Writers One to

One, edited by Ben Rafoth, Heinemann, 2000, pp. 24-34.

How to Cite a Ted Talk

How to Cite a Ted Talk

1. How to Cite a YouTube Video in MLA Format

Author’s Name. “Title of Image or Video.” Media TypeText. Name of

Website. Name of Website’s Publisher, date of posting.

Medium. date retrieved.


Shimabukuro, Jake. “Ukulele Weeps by Jake Shimabukuro.” Online video

clip. YouTube. YouTube, 22 Apr. 2006. Web. 9 Sept. 2010.

Source: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/18/ (Links to an external site.)

2. Citing TED Talks & YouTube Videos In-Text (MLA):

When citing a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary from a TED Talk, cite the author’s last name, not the title of their lecture.


“Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do, especially in the inner city. Plus, you get strawberries” (Finley).


This assignment will be graded on your use of analytical tools learned in this unit to develop your appraisal of the articles, as well as clarity of your writing. The rubric will identify the criteria you will be evaluated by.


The associated rubric will be used to provide a score and feedback–please be sure to review the rubric before starting and before submitting your assignment.


This assignment is designed to be a formative assessment–you’ll be able to use the feedback to strengthen future work in this course and to contribute to your final project in this course. Because the feedback is important, we’ll make every effort to respond to and grade your work within 72 hours of the due date.


Revisions are encouraged for all work scoring below 70%. Be sure to check both your score and the associated comments within Grades.

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