EWRT1A You will be writing a compare and contrast analysis of Descender & a media interpretation of an AI.

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Compare and Contrast a symbol in Descender with a symbol in Ex Machina

Essay Requirements:

Ø 1000-1200 words

Ø Have: Name, Class, Date, Assignment, and Topic in upper left hand corner.

Ø A title that is not GENERIC

Ø All drafts, pre-writing, and outline must be turned in with the final copy of the essay.

Ø In an exam book

Ø A works cited is required for all outside research & Sources

Ø Use The Easy Writer to help with citations

1. An introduction that provides context on the topic, eases the reader into your essay, and has a “hook” that grabs people’s attention

2. A thesis statement or controlling idea that takes a stand

3. Transitional topic sentences that are clear, provocative, and develop your thesis and provide unity in your essay

4. Body paragraphs that help prove your argument

5. Plenty of support from the text: Remember you must have a minimum of 6 quotes from the story you choose


7. For each quote, please use the direct model discussed in-class

8. Some analysis of all your supporting examples

9. A conclusion that offers some ideas about what can be done about the situation

10. Strong sentences that are both grammatically correct and sophisticated

11. Use proper MLA formatting, in-text citations, and Works Cited entries. NOT having proper MLA citations will result in a 0/100 on the assignment.

12. Write in 3rd person NOT first person.

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