Excutive summary/ evading firewalls and the IDPS

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Question 1.

Evading Firewalls and the IDPS

You have been assigned to use Nmap to develop testing procedures for how attackers might try to evade detection at your organization’s firewalls and IDPS.

Prepare a report that explains which Nmap options can be used to evade firewalls and IDPSs, and how these options function.

Your response should be between 1-2 full pages.

Question 2.

Please provide a one page executive summary on the Bellingham incident. Your summary should not exceed one single spaced page and should include Who, What, When, Where, Why and How the situation could have been handled. Or, perhaps it might also include how the situation was handled correctly. If you are quoting material, please ensure you cite your source accordingly. Use the concepts covered in class to enhance your summary. The Belllingham, Washington Case Study (Links to an external site.) is the case study for this week. Please read and provide analysis in the form of an executive summary. Please feel free to search for other information that pertains to Bellingham and how it was triggered by a SCADA failure..

NB: question 1 and 2 should be answered on a separate word sheet

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