Fantastic in film and television must have seen the movie or will – Essaylink

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*6-8 page paper pertaining to the topics discussed throughout the semester. 

*Film will be on either The Umbrella Academy or Raising Dion 

In this paper you will discuss the cultural relevancy of the film you chose as well as technical aspects and apply theories discussed in class and from readings. For example: liminal space, fairy tale tropes, the hero’s journey, Fairy tale elements, common themes that we see in films that focus on children as the heroes of the story.

The héros journey :

Think about what the hot topic is that the film is trying to represent or even possibly poorly represents… what I am looking for is thoughtful constructive critique. This paper should revolve around a central thesis and NOT read as a full retelling of the story or rant of all the things that are wrong or right.

Requirements include:

MLA Formatting

Times New Roman 12 Font 

Double Spaced

3 Scholarly Sources – (These can include articles that I have posted if they are relevant to your topic) – Articles can also be found on JSTOR and Project MUSE among other databases provided by the library’s website



An example of what a topics can be are theses such as:

“The Orville” successfully demonstrates what a future utopia may look like because it is thoughtfully inclusive and demonstrates what representation can look like….


“The Orville” falls into a problematic representation of a future utopia because of its idealistic post racial metaphors and sensibilities…

Think outside the box and be creative, there are so many wonderful options for content to write about.

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