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I’m studying and need help with a Writing question to help me learn.


Before you start: Read instructor comments/feedback from Assignment 1. Ask for clarification if necessary.

PART 1: Write out your research question. Use the feedback from Assignment 1 to help rewrite it if necessary, or make any some changes if you’d like. Points will be deducted as necessary if requested changes in your feedback from Assignment 1 are not adhered to. If you like your research question and did not receive any feedback asking you to revise your topic, you may keep your original research question. Do NOT change your topic. If you want to change your topic contact your instructor ASAP.


Research question: Why are there so many food deserts?

PART 2: Define 5 Ws of your research topic. Review the lecture and video from Module 2 and define five Ws for your research topic (NOTE: You do not have to narrow your topic using these five Ws but it is a good exercise in case you do need to narrow or think of different approaches to your topic):





REVISED Research Question/Why? OPTIONAL (This will be your research question that you have revised from Assignment 1 but it does not necessarily need to start with “Why.”)

EXAMPLE (note that you can customize the W questions if it helps you to answer them):

What is the focus of my research? Food deserts

Who is involved/affected? People living in urban and rural communities where grocery stores have left, and low income communities

When do I want to focus? Recent years

Where do I want to focus? Mostly the United States, but I’d be open to looking at other areas too

Revised research question (Why?) What has caused the increase of food deserts in the United States recently and how are affected communities dealing with it?

It might be hard for you to answer some of the Ws, but please try even if you don’t end up using them to write your final research question. It’s a good exercise in narrowing a topic.

PART 3: Write down three possible answers to your research question. These answer/points can draw upon your own opinion and your own knowledge. They should address the three main points of your argument or include three major aspects of your topic. Feel free to do more presearching if needed. List ONLY three main points – no more. You might want to revisit the your Topic Starter worksheet to see what ideas you had initially, and then turn them into major points.

If you want to revise your research question based on the information you find in your presearching, that’s okay too, just be sure that it’s not too broad and that it’s still a unique and interesting topic.


Question: What has caused the increase of food deserts in recent years and how are affected communities dealing with it?

Answer 1: Geographic and socio-economic reasons make certain areas unappealing to major grocery store chains.

Answer 2: Some cities have passed laws limiting the number of new fast food restaurants and liquor stores that can be open in an area.

Answer 3: Other communities are starting co-ops and looking for alternatives to major grocery chains.

PART 4: Locate one ebook using either Ebook Central, Ebscohost eBooks, or Safari Books Online (Links to an external site.) that helps you address one of your main points. Present the title and the author of your book. Your ebook should provide you with statistics, quotes, ideas, or examples that help support one of your main points. It should be a high quality, adult-level, full-text book. Do not use GoogleBooks, Ebscohost eAudiobooks or OverDrive. Only books from the above databases will be accepted.

PART 5: Describe what information you found and how it helps support one of your main points. Be specific. If there is a chapter, fact, definition, statistic, quote, idea, etc. related directly to your supporting point, describe what it is in your own words. Describe how it would support your ideas. No copying and pasting from summaries or abstracts; if you copy and paste information you will get an F on the assignment.

PART 6: Include a link to the full-text book in the CSM ebook database. Copy and paste the ebook URL:


This assignment is designed to help you start to locate library resources for your Final Project.


  • Look for books about your topic in all three databases then choose the BEST book for your topic.
  • Make sure your book is from the databases above from CSM Library. GoogleBooks, Amazon, etc. will not be accepted. Anything outside of these three databases will not receive credit.
  • Don’t just choose the first book on the list unless you really think it’s the best choice.
  • If your topic is very specific and you’re having a hard time finding a book, then try searching the text or content of a book (advanced search – see the video in the All About eBooks lecture).
  • Again, the goal is not to just pick the first book that appears at the top of your results list, but to evaluate your results, refine or limit your search as necessary, and find a book that you think is the best choice for the topic you have chosen.
  • Write EVERYTHING in your own words. No copy-pasting of summaries or paraphrasing of someone else’s description. This will result in an immediate F.


Submit this assignment via the online classroom as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file only


  • Include your name, date, and course name in the upper left corner
  • Use 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman
  • Double-space everything
  • Use one inch margins all around


Please ask questions early! Questions about the assignment must be submitted by noon the Friday before an assignment is due for a guaranteed response.


Find an ebook

Find an ebook

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEbook is from one of the assigned databases

15.0 pts

Full-text CSM database book

8.0 pts

Full-text book from unassigned CSM database

0.0 pts

Not full-text or not from CSM database

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFive Ws present

5.0 pts

Full points

0.0 pts

No points

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThree answers present

3.0 pts

Three answers present

2.0 pts

Two answers present

1.0 pts

One answer present

0.0 pts

No answers present

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear explanation of how the book supports one of your points (in own words)

5.0 pts

Explains how the book supports one of your points clearly, in own words; resource provides strong support for point

0.0 pts

Explanation provided does not adequately support points

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorking link that redirects to full-text book in CSM database

5.0 pts

Link works and links to full-text

0.0 pts

Link does not work or links outside of the CSM databases

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAll formatting requirements met

2.0 pts

All formatting met

Include your name, date, and course name in the upper left corner; Use 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman; Double-space everything; Use one inch margins all around

0.0 pts

Formatting requirements not met

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch question is present

5.0 pts

Research question is present

Research question is present and has been revised based on Assignment 1 feedback, if required

0.0 pts

Research question is not present or not revised

5.0 pts

Total Points: 40.0

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