follow these requirement to write this report

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I’m studying for my Management class and need an explanation.

Length: 700 words (about three pages), excluding exhibits

What: Conduct an interview and write a report about it. Include the questions you asked as an exhibit at the end of your paper (not part of the 700 word limit.)

Format: 12 point font and double-spaced with 1” margins.


You will interview a business owner, a manager, or an entrepreneur in order to gather information from someone with experience starting a business. Prior to your interview, prepare questions. Take notes during the interview. You may record interview, but you must ask permission of the interviewee prior to recording it. You do not need to disclose the name and title of the manager/entrepreneur or the name of the organization if the interviewee wants to keep it confidential. Please include the industry and offer as much description as possible about your interviewee to make sure the report is clear.

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