Given all the different kinds of family forms outlined by Wood in the course textbook, how do you believe she would define family? How do you define it and why? How does faith shape how family is defined? Is it appropriate to advocate views of family shap

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I need help with a Communications question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Given all the different kinds of family forms outlined by Wood in the course textbook, how do you believe she would define family? How do you define it and why? How does faith shape how family is defined? Is it appropriate to advocate views of family shaped by a Biblical Worldview or one’s faith?

Assignment Details:

150-250 words or at least 8-12 comprehensive sentences.

Please provide at least 1 in-text citation and reference.

This is a relational communication course. Please have a high level of knowledge in regards to this topic.

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