Healthcare Quality and Safety in Your Area – Essaylink

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Patient harm events happen at an alarming rate, but resources are available to consumers to help them make informed decisions about the care that they receive. Being an informed consumer of healthcare will not only help you protect yourself, but it will help you protect your family and friends as well.

In this Assignment, you will review patient safety and quality of care performance measures at healthcare organizations in your own area. You will also analyze the data for similarities and differences, in order to become a better healthcare consumer.

To prepare;

Search for quality and safety at healthcare organizations (n.d.). Hospital compare. Retrieved July 21, 2019, from
The Joint Commission. (2018). Quality check. Retrieved from
Choose two healthcare organizations in your area and search for data that exists on both websites. If you live outside the U.S., please search for organization data in your area.






The post Healthcare Quality and Safety in Your Area first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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