Homelessness in Austin, Texas School – Essaylink

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The public health issue I have selected to focus on is homelessness in Austin, Texas School
Colorado State University: Global Campus

Research Populations Affected

This week, you are researching various elements that will go into your final case study as part of your final Community Action Plan. Review the Portfolio Project description and grading rubric in the Module 8 folder.

This week, conduct research on the following:

Which populations are affected by the public health issue you have selected?
Describe the demographics of this population in detail. How old are they?
Where do they live?
What is their health like currently?
What do we already know about the population you have identified?
Where are our gaps in knowledge?
What are some of the possible solutions to the issue you have identified, and how would these solutions influence public health overall?


The post Homelessness in Austin, Texas School first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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