How does power in semi-professional or professional sports relate to the problem of sexual abuse? – Essaylink

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Taking Laura Robinson’s “Girl Unprotected” as your primary text, research the extent to which sexual abuse in sports has been addressed in contemporary Western society. How does power in semi-professional or professional sports relate to the problem of sexual abuse?

Write an essay 1200 words in length based on one of the topics below. The essay should have a clearly defined thesis statement, a logical argument set forth in the supporting paragraphs with substantial concrete references to the text, and a clear concluding statement.

The thesis should express your position in relation to the essay from the textbook and the research you are conducting. The thesis should be something that is debatable within the scope of the essay (that is, there are general “for” and “against” positions).

Research is required for this essay. You must cite at least three sources, one of which must be scholarly. Be sure to include a Works Cited and to format your essay in MLA style.

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