How women living in Ancient Greece and Rome were treated

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I don’t understand this History question and need help to study.

Outline: Greats Project

A: Research Question/Thesis statement

One paragraph maximum

B: Bibliographic entry #1

Sample bibliographic entryfor (for a topic on natural disasters in the ancient near east):

Fekri, Hassan. “The Fall of the Egyptian Old Kingdom.” BBC History. 17 2 2011: n. page. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.

This web site will support my thesis by providing data on environmental disasters in ancient Egypt. It is a secondary source. I found this web site by using Google and searching for the terms Ancient Egypt, and drought. I know it is reliable because it is published by a known institution (the BBC), which has an educational mission, and the author, Hassan Fekri, is a professor at the University College of London. It also has a bibliography of print books for those who want to learn more about the topic. While it is on a popular web site, it is written at a level for adults, not children and has a lot of detail. The site explains the effects of drought on Ancient Egypt and supports its thesis with both archaeological evidence and primary sources. The author concludes that a great drought caused the collapse of the Egyptian state and much poverty and suffering among the people. I will use it to explain what was happening in Egypt (and how we know) in my paper on natural disasters in the ancient middle east. This will complement other sources on Mesopotamia.

C: Bibliographic entry: #2

Follow model for Bibliographic entry #1

D: Bibliographic entry: #3

Follow model for Bibliographic entry #1

E: Bibliographic entry: #4

Follow model for Bibliographic entry #1

F: Bibliographic entry: #5

Follow model for Bibliographic entry #1

G: Reflective Statement:

After constructing the bibliography and thesis, you should write a self-reflective paragraph that considers the following:

  1. How you did your research. What steps did you follow and why?
  2. What did you find that defied your expectations? What viewpoints were different than you expected?
  3. How open you were to new information.
  4. How you reconciled conflicting information or viewpoints in your sources.


  • Minimum three pages typed in Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced with 1” margins.
  • Chicago style format.
  • Minimum of two academically reliable secondary source web sites which have at least two pages on the topic, and at least two articles of appropriate scope and academic level from the CCBC databases, and
    one primary source which can be found via either method.
  • Utilize library databases to locate appropriate sources.
  • Thesis statement
  • Reflective statement

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