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I’m studying for my Management class and need an explanation.

Documentary: Blue Gold World Water Wars


1.) What is Malaysia’s approach to those that pollute water in their country ?

2.) In the production of one barrel of oil (42 gallons) how many barrels of water are used ?

3.) In what country did Water Privatization start ?

4.) Is there Water Privatization here in the United States ?

5.) What is one of the major issue with Water Desalination ?

6.) What is a S.L.A.P.P. lawsuit and how is it used ?

7.) What impact does a Global Economy have on the local hydrologic cycle ?

8.) What is “Seeding Clouds” and what is it’s impact on the world water crisis ?

9.) What year was the “Last Great Water War” in the U.S. ?

10.)What happened in Bolivia, when the World Bank forced the government to privatize its water ?

11.)Has Rain Water collection been restricted here in the United States ?

12.)Guarani Aquafer is the Worlds Largest fresh water Aquafer and, is located in what country ?

13.)What impact did a 45 year old shoemaker named Oscar Olivera, have on Privatization of water in Bolivia ?

14.)What are some of the methods that where put forward to offset this Water Crisis ?

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