identify an idea/theme/argument from Fahrenheit 451 and explore it both within the context of the text and as a common characteristic of the genre as a whole.

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Fahrenheit 451 addresses questions concerning the meaning of literacy in the age of technology. It also brings up issues of censorship, control of populations through control of information, entertainment as a drug, high vs low entertainment, complacency and apathy in populations that enjoy a high level of comfort, anti-intellectualism, and definitions of knowledge. This list is by no means exhaustive but identifies a variety of themes woven through the novel. It is no coincidence that these themes are common in texts within the genre of dystopic science fiction, both of the novel’s era (1950’s) as well as more contemporary representations.

For Essay #2, you will identify an idea/theme/argument from Fahrenheit 451 and explore it both within the context of the text and as a common characteristic of the genre as a whole. Your analysis must include at least 4 relevant sources (one of which will be the novel itself) related to the subject. These can be other dystopic stories and/or novels like “Those Who Walk Away from Omelas”, 1984, or The Giver, to name a few. Or you could use more discipline specific sources from the realms of psychology, sociology, philosophy and/or literary criticism as long as said sources are pertinent to your argument.

The paper will be graded on the originality of your idea, the complexity of your argument, integration of sources, the organization of your writing, and the soundness of your conclusion(s). Remember, the focus of the argument is the novel, Fahrenheit 451, and any other sources should be used as support. The novel should not become an afterthought.

6 pages double spaced

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