Identify the problems, issues or opportunities to be addressed 3. Propose recommended actions using applied theories of organizational communication – Essaylink

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Your group will be assigned a business case that presents the circumstances of a specific business. The goal of this exercise is to, as a group, do the following:
1. Read and interpret the case 2. Identify the problems, issues or opportunities described in the case 3. Describe the role of communication in creating or resolving the circumstances described by the case 4. Present the case and your analysis to the class
Grading The presentation should be 6-10 minutes long. A good presentation will do the following:
1. Clearly summarize and describe the case 2. Identify the problems, issues or opportunities to be addressed 3. Propose recommended actions using applied theories of organizational communication 4. Effectively use PowerPoint or other presentation software to support presentation 5. Engage the class in discussion following the presentation 6. Each team member will participate in the presentation

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