Innovation for Reduced Recidivism and Reentry Success: A Community-Based Approach

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In this module, you will focus on the framework for your capstone. The appropriate framework will emerge (or probably emerged in your course work) after reading many research articles on the topic of your capstone. Your research design and research questions must align with the theoretical or conceptual framework presented. Primary sources or other authoritative scholarly sources (not research methods textbooks) should be provided as support. Keep the following in mind: For mixed methods studies, a conceptual framework should provide grounding for the qualitative part, and a theoretical framework should provide grounding for the quantitative part. Theoretical/conceptual frameworks are based on relevant prior research and are necessary to frame the problem and purpose of your study. In your prospectus document, develop the framework section following the annotated outline in the EdD Prospectus Guide. In order to do this, you must conduct a literature search and continue your reading. You may begin to notice the same framework mentioned again and again. You might already be familiar with a framework that you have read about during your course work. If it is in a peer-reviewed journal, consider investigating this theoretical or conceptual framework further. Keep the following in mind: Use primary sources or other authoritative scholarly sources (not research methods textbooks) as support. For mixed methods studies, a conceptual framework should provide grounding for the qualitative part, and a theory should provide grounding for the quantitative part. he research questions for your capstone determine other elements of your study. They are the key elements in determining the feasibility, methodology, and design of your study. In this Discussion, you post your research questions and have the opportunity to give and receive feedback on them from your peers. Keep in mind the following key points about research questions: Research questions must align precisely with the problem and purpose of the study, since the purpose of your study is to answer or gain insight into your research questions. Research questions must be informed by the framework. Writing a research question requires balancing between breadth and specificity. Research question must be specific and researchable. Ask questions using neutral exploratory language that do not convey conclusions you expect; avoid showing researcher bias. Research questions must be directly investigable using the research tools at hand. Avoid yes/no questions no matter what the approach. Often begin with “How” or “What.” 

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