Integrated outcomes

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I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.

Select two of the program outcomes that were most relevant to your project and describe how the major concepts were integrated in your project. Please refer to the MSN program outcomes (listed below).

Master of Science in Nursing Program Outcomes (for reference only):

1. Employ appropriate patient-care technologies and information management strategies to improve quality care outcomes.

2. Integrate clinical reasoning with organizational, patient-centered, culturally appropriate strategies to plan, deliver, and evaluate evidence-based practice.

3. Design innovative nursing practices to impact quality outcomes for individuals, populations, and systems congruent with ethical, professional, and legal standards.

4. Assemble scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, genetics, public health, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings.

5. Utilize applied research outcomes within the practice setting, navigating and integrating care services across healthcare systems.

6. Design organization and leadership systems that promote high quality patient-care delivery and advance life-long learning.

7. Construct interprofessional teams to communicate, coordinate, collaborate, and consult with other health professionals to advance a culture of excellence.

8. Integrate scientific knowledge including that from genetics and genethics in the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings and populations.

9. Provide oversight and guidance in the integration of technology to manage care, identify performance measures and standards that improve quality and safety outcomes.

(Please note that you do not have to cite these MSN program outcomes

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