It is important for the master’s prepared nurse to be able to work collaboratively with other master’s prepared nurses who may be involved with the same patient

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 1. It is important for the master’s prepared nurse to be able to work collaboratively with other master’s prepared nurses who may be involved with the same patient. Discuss the following points: a. What type of patient is a CNS most likely to care for directly? b. What sort of care does a CNS give? c. How does a CNS decide whether to allocate time for direct care or guide other nurses in delivering that care? d. How do the CNS’s direct care responsibilities differ from those of staff nurses and of FNPs? Describe how the CNS can augment staff nurses’ care. An FNP’s care? e. Does the specialist nurse enhance or “de-skill” the general nurse?f. What is indirect care and does it seem invisible? g. What is an appropriate versus inappropriate consultation for the CNS? h. How would you respond if you were asked, “What is the difference between a CNS and an NP?”

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