Managing Dynamic environment

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I’m working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.

Paramount to the success of any organizational change is a leader’s ability to “know where the organization needs to go.” This is called the vision, and the ability to create the right vision can determine the success or failure of a change management strategy.

  • Think of an organization you are familiar with that is in need of change. If you were the change leader, what would be your vision statement for change?
  • Write your vision statement for the change you are striving for, detailing how you would improve upon that vision to ensure that it conforms to the principles and strengthen the value of the change vision.
  • Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with two scholarly peer-reviewed references in supporting your answer.


1- APA style.

2- 4-6 paragraphs

3- (2-3) references and don’t forget to reference inside the text.

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