Matlab script – Essaylink

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Write a Matlab script (program) to model in-vitro cell growth in a petri-dish. User input parameters are: 1) total cells seeded, 2) doubling time (in hours, integer value), and 3) diameter (in inches) of petri-dish.

Using your knowledge of mathematics and programming in Matlab, model the cell growth based on the doubling time (cell population doubles at the end of every doubling time period). Account for cell death by assuming 10% of cells die during every doubling period. Assume an average cell to be circular with a diameter of 10 μm.

The script should output the following: plot cell density (cells per unit area) as a function of time indicating time point when the cells are confluent (entire dish is covered with cells).Upload the following files: Matlab script and sample output plot.

The post Matlab script first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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