News stories about media and the 1st Amendment

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A 150-200-word summary [not a copy] of a news story from any reputable state or national news source in print, on radio, on TV, or online. The story will be about the intersection of media and the First Amendment in the United States—no stories from foreign countries. Not part of the 150-200 words will be a description of where you found this news item (N.Y. Times, CNN on TV, etc.), the title of the story, the date, and URL, if applicable, although I need to have this info. Just don’t count these words toward you 150-200 range. The story must appear in the news media during the week you will be submitting it.

In addition to the summary of the story, I’m looking for any insights you might have on why this is an important case or issue and any implications for journalists, organizations, the media in general, corporations, etc.

Use Times New Roman, 12-pt. type, double-spaced.

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