Peer Response Assignment 2: San Diego’s Community Health Centers ….()….

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In the previous unit we learned about community health centers and how they are a viable option for those who cannot afford healthcare. San Diego offers an array of health centers that meets the various needs of our diverse population.

Your Tasks


Review this list of community health centers (Links to an external site.) in San Diego that you would like to do more research on. This is not an exhaustive list and you are welcome to choose one that is not on the list.


Answer the following questions about the health center:

  1. Name of the health center, location, contact information, and web URL. 3 points
  2. Does this organization target a certain population (e.g., children, elderly, young families, homeless, Native Americans, etc.)? 2 points
  3. What health services do they provide? Describe in detail at least two of their services. 10 points
  4. How does billing and insurance work at this health center? 5 points
  5. (400-500 words)
  6. Include the external source as a reference citation

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