Pick a well-known company with which you have some familiarity. select 1 of the contemporary management techniques listed in Chapter 1 of the Blocher et al. text. Why and how do you feel that the contemporary management technique selected would be a posit

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I need help with a Accounting question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Discussion Board Forums Instructions

In the first module/week, submit a thread of 300–400 words directly addressing the forum prompt. In your threads, synthesize course material and demonstrate critical thinking, graduate-level writing skills, and mature reflection. Cite the textbooks and scholarly articles from professional accounting and business journals. Use at least 3 journal articles for the Forum. Adhere to current APA format in all posts. Note that management techniques must not be capitalized.

Select a well-known company with which you have some familiarity (specify the type of industry). Then, select 1 of the contemporary management techniques listed in Chapter 1 of the Blocher et al. text. Why and how do you feel that the contemporary management technique selected would be a positive force in helping the company achieve its critical success factors? Do not discuss a technique you already know the company is using.

The first 6 methods focus directly on strategy implementation:

  1. The balanced scorecard and strategy map,
  2. Value chain,
  3. Activity-based costing and management,
  4. Business analytics,
  5. Target costing,
  6. Life-cycle costing.

The next 7 methods help to achieve strategy implementation through a focus on process improvement:

  1. Benchmarking
  2. Business process improvement,
  3. Total quality management,
  4. Lean accounting,
  5. The theory of constraints,
  6. Sustainability,
  7. Enterprise risk management.

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