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Deliverables for this assignment are: 1. design a balanced scorecard 2. develop an executive summary 3. combining of all assignments into a complete business plan

Having a solid business plan is essential for the direction your new company will follow through fruition. Equally important is to ensure adherence to the business plan is maintained throughout the venture. Therefore, a tool for the purpose of tracking the progress of your business venture to the business plan is needs. The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry. It keeps business activities aligned with your business plan, strategy, vision, and venture concept. It can also improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals (Balance Scorecard Institute, 2014). Using your textbook and external resources, design a balanced scorecard for your new business venture. At this point, you should combine all of the elements presented in previous PA1 thru PA6, CLA1 and CLA2 to form paper should be 22 to 25-pages in length.

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