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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to design a portfolio assessment.


For this assignment, you will use the website www.livebinder.com to create an e-portfolio. Create an account (it’s free!). Once you log in, click on the tab “Learn” on the left side of the screen. Then, click on “Tutorials” on the left, top side of the screen. View the Creat/ Edit LiveBinder Tutorial. Watch the tutorial. Make sure to follow the directions below.

  1. Design an e-portfolio to be used with preschool children. Include (1) sections or dividers for the portfolio, (2) the types of teacher assessments you would use, and (3) a description of how you would report the child’s progress to parents. Put in hypothetical contents in each section for an imaginary child. Write a narrative report to summarize the child’s progress based on entries in the portfolio.
  2. Then, share your e-portfolio by saving the link in a PDF file and posting your document in the discussion board. Reply to at least one post using the Dialogue ToolKit Discussion.

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