Prepare a Strategic plan for Hobart Corporation

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Introduction: Four Short Analysis Papers will be due Weeks 2, 3, 5, and 7 by Sunday midnight. With a short paper, it is especially important to focus on answering the essay topic with clarity and conciseness. Your analysis should demonstrate an understanding of the topic as it is covered in the week’s text readings. Task(s): Research Hobart Corporation using the APUS Virtual Library, search for articles that give examples of Hobart Corporation’s strategic market management. Search for recent articles describing the strategies and their results: 1. Prepare a Strategic plan for Hobart Corporation. Consider both internal and external analysis in preparing your plan. Identify Hobart’s SCA and its branding equity 2. Discuss the strategic goals and methods for this firm applying information that you identified in your library research. 3. Cite the source and the edition of the periodicals that you have referred to for this assignment. Deliverables and format: Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document. Length: 5 pages Font: Courier or New Times Roman: 12 Line Spacing: Double

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