project’s performance 100%

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project’s performance

You are the project manager working on a Market Mailing project.  The client informed your project team during the project planning phase that the project must be completed on time in order to sync with the launch of the new product. Also, the client informed you and the team that there is no cash reserve for the project so the project has to be completed within budget.  Below is the status update that two project team members (Jennifer and Ben) put together.  Based on the project’s performance to date, complete the Rating Project Risk exercise on the next page. 




Rating Project Risk

Based on the project’s performance complete the risk assessment chart below by rating each risk factor as follows: 

  • High, medium, or low in terms of its potential impact 
  • High, medium, or low in terms of its probability of occurrence 

Project Risk Items 

Potential Impact 

(H / M / L) 

Probability of Occurrence 

(H / M / L) 

Overall Risk 

(H / M / L) 

Risk Score Justification Statement 

Completing Task A over the $1,200 budget





Completing Task A after the scheduled end date of June 15





Completing Task B over the $1,200 budget





Completing Task B after the scheduled end date of May 30





Extract the combined effect of those two values, combined with your judgment, and score each risk factor as high, medium, or low overall. Justify your scores using the data provided above. 

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