Qualitative Research Proposal & Media Supplement

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Please check the attached instructions and make an offer for the proposal and the bonus question as well. You will write a qualitative research paper proposal and prepare a media supplement assignment. The proposal includes four key parts: 1) An Introduction: The purpose and importance of your proposed research. 2) The proposed research design. This section includes: A discussion of your three research questions (RQs), background on your selected method(s), and a proposed plan for how you will collect data in your project. The questions should also help inform the research design and methods that are selected, helping to structure how the research can be conducted. Please refer to at least one method. 3) Ethical considerations: If you would require ethics board approval for your project and why; and/or if there are other ethics issues you are anticipating given your outlined methods and questions. Please note that if you propose unobtrusive research (e.g. textual, content analysis), a discussion about ethical principles and potential pitfalls/challenges/ethical gray areas with textual research is necessary. 4) Literature review: Summarize three relevant pieces of peer-reviewed scholarly literature that are connected to your research questions. Provide a summary of these texts and explain how you anticipate possibly using them in your project. Recommended Resources: Textbook (van den Hoonaard, 2018); COMS databases are available through the library’s COMS Subject Guide page (for your literature review of scholarly sources); “Tri-Council Policy Statement on Research Involving Humans” (2014) (plus lectures on data management, privacy). Media Supplement Instructions: The supplement can be a still image or audio(visual) clip / text that works to supplement and synthesize key parts of your research proposal. You may use any software/program to design the text. Visuals can be in portrait or landscape orientation and should be one page. If creating an audio(visual) file, please record for under 5 minutes in length. Regardless of medium the supplement needs to clearly synthesize the most important parts from each section of the report. What you choose to select and highlight (e.g. frame) is up to you! Use your judgment as the researcher. → Please note: Any online images that are used in your project must be in the public domain. See this helpful resource for finding content in the Creative Commons. Wikimedia Commons, Unsplash, Flickr Commons, ISO Republic are useful, Digital History, Musopen, Choral Public Domain Library for audio. Accepted image files: .jpeg, .png, .gif, .ppt. Accepted audio: .mp3, .wav. Accepted video: .mov, mpeg, .mp4

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