reliable source for measuring economic activity is available

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Some of you have been wondering if a reliable source for measuring economic activity is available and the answer is yes. Two reports track entrepreneurial activity both internationally and nationally. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (2020/2021) tracks entrepreneurship throughout the world. You may need to right-click and open a new window to download the document. You can download the report.
While The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor tracks entrepreneurial activity throughout the world, the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity (2020) tracks activity in the United States. Take a look at the entrepreneurial start rates in each state. Notice that Texas has one of the highest rates. (Note: You may have to right click and use the open in new window feature to access it.) Check out the Rankings & Index, Profiles, and Reports sections of the website. Note: You can download the entire report as a pdf. file.

Notice that as the economy gets worse, more people start businesses. The reasoning is that people are looking for an alternative to a job. In fact, as you mention, the poorer a nation’s economy the more entrepreneurial activity is present as people make up for the lack of job availability. There are the terms “necessity entrepreneurship” or “survival entrepreneurs” that are used for the type of entrepreneur who selects self-employment as an alternative to a job because of the lack of available jobs.
p.s. Share your comments if you wish.


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