Research Proposal – 300+ words – bluebook citation

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I’m studying and need help with a Law question to help me learn.

Submit your research paper proposal for approval. You can select one of the following topics:

Ø The History and Evolution of the UCC. What is the significance of the UCC today? What would the United States Commercial World look like without it?

Ø Discuss fully the concept of “volition” in modern contract law. What are the statutes that govern volition? What does the current case law reveal on this issue? How does age, duress, intoxication, mental disability and other conditions affect voluntariness to contract?

Ø Freedom To Contract: Why is the Freedom to Contract considered an exercise of individual autonomy? Is it an integral part of personal liberty? What is meant by the “power to contract”? Research, explain and discuss the ideological values of Contract Law.

Ø Research and discuss Contract Law as a matter of public policy. How is Contract Law a matter of social justice? How can Contract Law protect the underdog? How does Contract Law create a balance of power between the large companies and the small consumer?

… OR, you can try something different. HOWEVER, your topic must have a nexus to this course and the concepts we are discussing. In other words, a research proposal is intended to illustrate that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the work-plan to complete it.

Your research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for me to evaluate the proposed study.

Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions:

a. What is your topic?

b. What is your thesis? What do you plan to prove or illustrate in your paper?

c. Why you want to write on this topic?

d. How you are going to do it? Specifically, what resources to you intend to use? For example, will you research mostly case law, statutes, the Constitution and legal articles written on those cases and your topic? This section should list some of the actual cases and statutes that you plan to discuss in your paper. I need to get a sense of the specific primary legal sources you plan to use in your paper.

Please be as specific as possible in this proposal. This assignment will give you a good foundation to use to start the process of research, outlining and writing your paper.

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