Research Sources – Essaylink

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Identify six (6) possible sources that you may use for your research and include them in proper APA format. These should be valid, academic sources. (6 marks)

The Internet is a great tool for research but I ask that you not use Wikipedia. You should be able to find material on your subject in journals, magazine, or newspaper databases like CBCA or Electronic Library (through the college library system – check it out). Books are also useful. Do not, however, use an encyclopedia source without checking with your instructor. Personal interviews, surveys, questionnaires, etc. that you complete are all very useful for primary research. You may find that as you research and gather material that these sources are not as useful as others which is perfectly fine; the idea of this assignment is to get you started and focused on the material. Also, remember that in the final assignment you only have to include the sources that you actually used not all that you may have consulted along the way but I would like to see at least six different sources used in the final report.






The post Research Sources first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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