Routine Activities Theory

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 Use a Peer Reviewed Article. The headings, subtitles and all that stuff do not count towards the word count required. Include a discussion of the goal of the article (what the researchers were trying to do find – what are the article hypotheses?), the literature review (past research), the research methods (the steps taken to conduct the research study –data, population, sampling type, statistical techniques – ANOVA, ANCOVA, Logistic regression, etc.), the results (what they found), and the discussion/conclusions of the research article (were the findings consistent with the hypotheses?, why what they found is important to the particular field of study, etc.). It is tremendously important to discuss the policy implications/directions for future research/limitations of each article. It is recommended that you outline each article with all of the components you are responsible for providing. Do NOT use any quotes—you must paraphrase the information from each article (use your own words). If you use quotes (even if they are properly cited) you will be severely penalized) Do NOT add any personal opinion.

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