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This week’s module is about better understanding the reader-users of the proposal you’re writing. Having a complete understanding of your reader-user’s needs, values, and expectations allows you to make rhetorical choices about how to move those readers to action. To help think about your readers, answer the following prompts for the Week 7 Discussion initial contribution:

1. Describe your intended reader-users–who are these readers?

2. Describe your intended audience in terms of the organization they work for and their position or title.

3. Describe your intended audience in terms of their occupation, profession, or field.

4. Describe your intended audience in terms of their needs for or interest in the information you plan to include in this writing project.

5. Describe how your intended audience will use the information you include in this writing project.

6. Describe the technical background of your intended audience–what do they know and not know about your topic? what are their technical limitations in relation to this writing project?

What do your responses about these reader-users initial reveal to you?

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