SOUD1489 Human Anatomy And Physiology – Essaylink

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A Report into the Influences that Impact Movement and how the Cardiorespiratory Systems contributes to both Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise.

LO3 – Describe how coordinated movement is produced.

LO4 – Identify the components of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems linking this to aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

LO5 – Explain blood flow in muscles and gaseous exchange in the respiratory system

This report will need to be broken down into TWO parts.

Part 1 –

In the first part of the assignment you are required you to breakdown and describe the movements of Barbell Back Squat and describe how coordinated movement is produced. Describe how movement is innervated and broken down into phases, linking joints, muscles and contraction phases to gain a better understanding. Include details on the peripheral nervous system (PNS), neuromuscular junction (NMJ), sarcomere and the structural proteins where required.  It is recommended you include diagrams and figures as appendix to assist your descriptions.

Part 2 –

For the second part of the assignment, you are to explain the importance of both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and how they contribute to both aerobic and anaerobic exercise.  You should include links with the neurological pathways, along with how blood flow and gaseous exchange is supported by the respiratory system in the lungs and at the musculature.

An Introduction and Conclusion should be included at the very start and very end of the report

Part 1 – Description of co-ordinated movement (Barbell Back Squat)

Part 2 – Explanation of CV and Respiratory system (including blood flow and gaseous exchange)

Academic Research, presentation and referencing.

Your teaching team will be available to support you during the referral period. Please check the teaching team summer rota for date’s, times and how to contact.

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