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I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

please follow instructor in the file

if get any answer from any reference please write in the end of answer

Assignment Questions:

From Saudi or Middle East market, select an example of partnership between two companies (acquisition, collusion, joint venture, value-chain partnership, mutual service consortium, licensing arrangement…) and answer the following questions:

  • Briefly present the two companies, members of partnership (Industry, location, size, competitors, activities…). (Max 400 words)-
  • What is the kind of this partnership and what are its main reasons?
  • What are the issues brought up by the companies during partnership?
  • Evaluate the competitive advantage of the partner- companies
  • What is the method used by the partner-companies to manage the organizational culture? underline the pros and cons of this method


  • The chosen example must be from real market and the partnership already done.
  • Answers must be clear, precise and concise.
  • Using terminology developed in your course will be highly valued.
  • Limit Words of the assignment: Maximum 1500 words.
  • All instructions mentioned in the cover page must be respected.

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